Rittenhouse Square was planned in 1682 by William Penn and his surveyor Thomas Holme, making it the fourth oldest park in the US. Of the five Philadelphia parks they planned, it is the only one to continuously retain its original intent: an urban square to be used as a place of retreat & respite.
The Friends of Rittenhouse Square is a membership driven organization that works to preserve, protect, and beautify Rittenhouse Square for all to enjoy - because that's what Friends are for!
Learn more about the history the Square
Learn more about The Friend's work to preserve, protect, and beautify Rittenhouse

While the Square has many fans,
it can always use more
Friends of Rittenhouse Square operates on an October 1 through September 30th fiscal year.
Filed tax returns for the organization can be found online at:
Financial statements are available on request by emailing: info@friendsofrittenhouse.org